E-Qalin auditors meeting
On Monday, August 23, 2021, we attended a meeting with the evaluators of the E-Qalin quality model, and their representative, Ms. Mateja Hauser from Q-Social and Mrs. Tanjo Imperl from Firis.
The meeting was attended as auditors by Mr. Goran Frangež from Dom dr. Jože Potrč Poljčane, Mrs. Snežana Poljšak from Center za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo Dobrna, Mrs. Kristina Katern from Dom upokojencev Postojna, Mrs. Marlen Mikac Marić from Doma za starije osobe “Kantrida” from Croatia and Mr. Domen Pociecha from Varstveno delovnega centra Zasavje.
The purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the work of the past year, which will serve as a basis for improvements in our further work. The representative of the Skupina Fabrika company, Jana Štrakl, presented important innovations in the Mapp application to support the implementation of assessment and process management according to the E-Qalin quality model. Mateja Hauser presented the key findings of the performed audits and Ms. Tanja Imperl important innovations in the implementation and training for work according to E-Qalin.
We had a nice and productive day.